Monday 9 April 2012


WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT INA CHICK. "how can you have friends with an attitude like that?" you have more friends around the world than she will ever have in her life. AND THE FACT THAT SHE DOESNT EVEN PAY RENT, and she parties there and talks to you as if she were living there. ang kapal. its making my blood boil for you.

you should put her in her place. there is a better way to say it.... let me do it for you "shut the fuck up you fugly bitch, before i make you shut up. and get out of my house. you are a bum who doesnt even live here. you should have the courtesy of keeping quiet at the early hours of the morning. because yea, my other friends live here so they can talk to me, but you cant. who the hell do you think you are. pay rent and then talk to me about being rude."

speaking of rude, your roomates sound like crap. yea, they live there too, so they can do whatever they want. but you live there too, you pay the same amount that they pay. and they have no respect for you guys, obviously. just from being loud on finals week & being dirty with your stuff. you def should move out. like...i cant believe you guys took so long to move out. i wouldve moved as soon as the whole girl who couldnt pay rent issue came up.

man, im 100% on your side with this. Homie I gatchu. tell me who to hate on and curse out like theyve never been cursed out to before in their life, and it's done. These bitches will be crying home to their mommas because they have got no cojones like me. BALLS OF STEEL BITCH. ;)